Pre-summer 2022 blog post. What a blogpost-title?!

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I feel like ... writing a blog post. It's been ages.

asplLite is doing pretty wel. It's doing great actually. I get very promising feedback from users all over the world on a regular base. asplite is also very well received on Github with nearly 40 stars. Not bad for classic ASP development. I'm currently working on a first huge web application using aspLite and the results are very satisfying. aspLite is reliable, bugfree, fast, lightweight, secure, slick. Especially the ajax formbuilder is a huge step in the right direction when it comes to modern web applications built in classic ASP. And Bootstrap... I love Bootstrap, no doubt one of the most powerful CSS-frameworks around.

Did I mention this before? Classic ASP being left for dead by M$ has caused it to be one of the most stable and secure web development frameworks around. No upgrades, no fixes and no security issues basically means: no surprises and no headaches for our applications. They just keep on running. Always. Go tell WordPress users. 

On a sidenote, I won a regional singer-songwriter contest few months ago. As a result, I'm having much fun performing on lots of stages these days. In a few weeks from now, I'll be performing on a TV show with over 1.000.000 viewers. Looking forward to that. There was a time that I was dreaming of being as successful as a singer/songwriter then I was back then as a web developer. Today it's the other way around. It turns out that the grass is always greener on the other side after all :)

Cheers! Pieter

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